
Used as a station module positioning system, Canadatug takes the place of the Canadarm used on the Space Shuttle or the International Space Station when operation of such an arm is not feasible or the distances are too great. It has the downside that its RCS thrust may cause damage. However, its RCS ports are on extending arms to mitigate this and a switch to less volatile nitrogen cold gas thrusters may be feasible without substantially damaging Canadatug’s functionality, as it is rare for it to actually make use of its current full propellant load.

Canadatug was inspired by the Teleoperator Retrieval System (TRS) that would have been used by the Shuttle to save Skylab.

Diameter: 1 meter
Mass: 523 kilograms (578 kg with
Advanced Grabbing Unit)
Dry Mass: 56 kilograms (111 kg with AGU)
RCS thrust: 140 N x 16 ports
202.3 liters Nitrogen Tetroxide
197.7 liters Monomethyl Hydrazine